Think about the quality of your product before the release. Prevent issues and minimize the risk of bugs during the development cycle. Earn the loyalty of your users.
Quality assurance and quality control is a combination of processes and procedures that accompany a product in pre-development, development, and post-development stages. It validates the quality of the product and keeps it secure and reliable.
Testers will build a plan to maintain quality through different phases
Each requirement change is reflected in test documentation immediately
We use real devices and emulators to make sure the product behaves alike in different environments
Stay informed about the risks and current issues with regular reports from QA team
A Quality Assurance engineer is essential at every step of the development process. Our specialist will evaluate your product and help identify flaws and issues taking into account business values and product requirements. QA/QC team will design the best strategy for your business depending on time, budget, and needs.
Our QA engineers study all available documentation and gather product requirements to prepare an efficient test plan. Our team will define risky areas that require additional attention in terms of testing. Very often at this phase, our QA team will find issues and inconsistencies on the documentation level. This way you will be able to prevent bugs even before development.
After the scope of testing is defined, the QA team will work on documentation design. They will prepare test cases and check-lists for various testing flows. Testing documentation will be updated throughout the development to ensure that it reflects the up-to-date state of the product.
At this stage, DevelopsToday testers will check if the actual behavior of the product corresponds to its expected behavior. In case it doesn't, they will open detailed bug reports, so the development team can fix the issues. Then fixes will be retested in different environments to make sure the issue is resolved.
We always provide clients with reports of test runs, so they are aware of the actual state of the product. This helps to make data-driven decisions and prevent buggy releases.
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