Making the information add extra value to the business

ReBOUND provides opportunities for e-commerce to increase sales and improve customer experience

eCommerce store dashboard with analytics of returns
eCommerce store dashboard with analytics of returns

Technology stack

ElasticSearch, LogStash, Kibana, MS SQL Server


Web Development



About the product

Insights is a complimentary product to the ReBOUND Returns platform. It provides visualized analytics and helps retailers to make data-driven decisions that impact their business.

Dashboard with statistics for order returns and refunds by country
Dashboard with statistics for order returns and refunds by country


There are several kinds of Dashboards that provide data of different types. For example, Products Dashboard gives insights on the products which are returned most often and breakdown on reasons for returns as well as geographical data for returns.
Carriers and Parcel Dashboard gives information on carriers' performance and helps to optimize logistics costs and manage supply partners.
Customer Dashboard provides information on customer behavior and this way serves as a tool do adapt or customize returns policy. From a business perspective, it helps to improve LTV.

Charts with order return statistics by service and carrier
Charts with order return statistics by service and carrier

Customized advanced analytics

Our team worked on solutions for additional customizations for retailers to fit a wide range of needs. Based on the above-mentioned dashboards we implemented retailer-specific dashboards, made private cloud implementation, and enriched data feed to customers' own data warehouse.

Statistics of product returns by country and reason of return
Statistics of product returns by country and reason of return

ELK stack as the solution for the product

The product is built using ElasticSearch, LogStash, and Kibana. This stack was chosen as it is scalable and powerful. With the help of ELK, it is possible to store, search, and analyze big volumes of data fast. Kibana allows to visualize information and build beautiful Dashboards.

Visual representation for elk stack


DevelopsToday team was working for more than six months in order to build ReBOUND Insights. As a result, we managed to deliver a tool for analytics that brings additional value to e-commerce businesses.

E-commerce returns quantity represented by world map
E-commerce returns quantity represented by world map


Full Stack DeveloperVladislav N.

Big Data EngineerAnton K.

Team LeaderAnna K.

Quality Assurance EngineerKsenia I.

Dashboard on a mobile device with returns registered by different carriers and services

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